
Tuesday Twitter: 2014 #ourCOG Archive

Tuesday Twitter: 2014 #ourCOG Archive

“Dexter Lake Church @dexterlakechrch 30-Dec-14 Bobby Maya #ourCOG @COGHQ @michigancog @ourCOG #Gospel #Bible #Jesus #ministry #battlecreek” “ourCOGâ„¢ @ourCOG 30-Dec-14 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant 2014 #ISIS TIMELINE [Part 4] #ourCOG Roundup – … #ourCOG pic.... »

Tuesday Twitter: 2015 #ourCOG Archive

Tuesday Twitter: 2015 #ourCOG Archive

@ourCOG 31-May-15 PRAY FOR BALTIMORE … #Pentecostal #Christian #ourCOG @ourCOG 31-May-15 TAKE A BREATH AND PRAISE OUR ABBA FATHER … #Pentecostal #Christian #ourCOG @ourCOG 31-May-15 SHORT TERM MISSIONS http:/... »

Emerging Church Movement—The New Face of Heresy

You can have Reformation without Revival – BUT You cannot have Revival without Reformation ! The Emerging Church IS the Laodicean Church – it will birth the Harlot Church of the Tribulation Period. The Emerging Church wants Heaven without the reality of an Hell; The Emerging Church wants Forgiveness without Repentance; The Emerging Church wants Salvation without Regeneration; The Emerg... »

Declaration and Petition against Genocide in Congo

Declaration and Petition against Genocide in Congo

Declaration and Petition Addressed to: His Royal Highness King Philippe of the Belgians and The Belgian Federal Parliament, President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz and The Pan-African Parliament, His Holiness Pope Francis of the Holy See and The College of Cardinals of the Vatican, President Herman Van Rompuy and The European Parliament, President Barack Obama and The Congress of the United States of Am... »