
What Dr. Vest asked me in D.C. ?

THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF LEADERSHIP Years ago, I was recruited to work on behalf of the government in Washington, D.C. After three Church Trials and my 25-year Ordination was revoked for writing about what happened to General Overseer Robert White, the Washington offer was an incredible miracle. I did not violate Scripture nor the COG Assembly “Minutes.” In fact, I completely OBEYED the ... »

GA22 AGENDA: Procedure In Dealing With Member

2022 AGENDA S49. V. Procedure In Dealing With Member In those cases in which he deems it in the best interest of the local church to do so, the state/regional overseer shall have the authority to excommunicate an unruly or uncooperative member without a formal hearing. A member disfellowshipped by the state/regional overseer shall have the right to appeal to the International Executive Committee w... »

GA22 AGENDA: International General Assembly

GA22 AGENDA: International General Assembly

Notice of Proposal to Amend the Bylaws of the International General Council and the International General Assembly: In accordance with the Minutes of the International General Assembly, the following amendments related to the Bylaws of the Church of God are being recommended by the International Executive Council to the 2022 International General Council for consideration. Bylaws Amendment #2  Int... »

GA22 AGENDA: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds and Teachers

Announcement: A special commission will be appointed by the General Overseer to study the feasibility and operational challenges/opportunities of expanding the International Executive Council, as well as the designation of certain groups to be represented, with special emphasis on the following areas that have already been addressed by the International Executive Council but need further study: • ... »