
Perry Stone This is a Day of Reckoning

Perry Stone This is a Day of Reckoning


REGENERATION in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC

REGENERATION in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC

Thanks to our friends at the World largest display of the Ten Commandments in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC For schedule and reservations please call the Commandments Keeper, ‎Cliff Anderson (828) 494-7855 »

Chicago’s Narragansett Church of God, Rev. James L. Slay and the 1948 Church of God Declaration of Faith

Chicago’s Narragansett Church of God, Rev. James L. Slay and the 1948 Church of God Declaration of Faith

Rev. James Slay of the Narragansett Church of God in Chicago was commissioned to write the book entitled, THIS WE BELIEVE in connection to the 1948 Church of God Declaration of Faith.  During the forties, you could see him driving around Cleveland in a white and green Packard. His hair was much longer then and somewhat wavy. Later, he was heard preaching a sermon at the Narragansett Church of God ... »

Fathers of the Faith: Dr. Ray H Hughes

Fathers of the Faith: Dr. Ray H Hughes
