International Updates

#ourCOG official hashtag movement

This is the official archive of the #ourcog hashtag grass-root movement for change and equity  It was the 2009 humble effort of a few internet enthusiasts to create the #ourCOG web initiative as foundation for a social media platform where ideas could be freely exchanged with prayer and supplication for one another. Now, three years later, as this vision has been realized and embraced internationa... »

Ministerial Care Offers Podcast and More

Ministerial Care Offers Podcast and More ... »

A Vision Realized 2022

A Vision Realized 2022

NEW ourCOG APP: GET IT on the official Google Droid app PLAY STORE It was the 2010 humble effort of a few internet enthusiasts to create the #ourCOG web initiative as foundation for a social media platform where ideas could be freely exchanged with prayer and supplication for one another. Now, three years later, as this vision has been reali... »

Statement: Roe v. Wade Overturned

96 Statement: Roe v. Wade Overturned ... »