
Missional Does Not Equal Young

Posted on February 12, 2008 by travjohnson On Actscelerate, Missional seems interchangeable for young, hip, loud. NOT SO. Being missional is being like Hudson Taylor of the Inland Chinese Mission. He dressed, ate, and spoke like the Chinese in order to share Jesus in a transformational way. He immersed himself in the Chinese culture for the sake of Christ and the love of China. Our pastors in the ... »

My Interview with Troy Gramling on the Potential Podcast

Posted on September 22, 2008 by travjohnson Back in February, I was on the Potential Podcast (audio here) with Troy Gramling, Raul Palacios, and Heredes Ribeiro of Flamingo Road Church. Troy pastors one of the fastest growing and most innovative churches in America and has a really strong leadership podcast. They have a great team there. In the podcast, we discuss a little about the replant of Lif... »

Oprahs Full Blown New Age Beliefs

Posted on April 10, 2008 by Steve Wright A friend of mine Alan had this video on his blog today. I wanted you guys to watch it and give some thoughts. Continue reading → Filed under: video | 15 Comments » »

Five questions to ask potential COG leaders

Posted on April 8, 2008 by tomsterbens You guys give me some feedback on some ideas for critical questions to be asked of those who are on the radar for elected general executive positions (Committee/Council) at the next General Assembly. Travis and I have approached some of these guys already and they, for the most part, are amenable with complying and offering a response. Continue reading → File... »