
Are You Blunting the Effectiveness of His Mission

Posted on September 3, 2008 by travjohnson We can talk about being missional all day long. We can actively live out the mission of Jesus in our daily lives. And, we can see lives changed But, if we fail to bring intentionality to the organizational side of ministry, our missionary influence will be blunted and our ministry will be unable to expand to the capacity we could realize in our respective... »

Tony Scott on The Dynamics of the Council of 18

Posted on July 18, 2008 by travjohnson GUEST BLOGGER, TONY SCOTT, pastor of The Church on Strayer For many reasons it is wise to believe that the Church of God, like many other denominations, stands at a critical crossroad. Do we continue the path dictated by our history or do we chart a new path, create new paradigms, and become innovative in our structure as well as in our missional approach to ... »

Missional Does Not Equal Young

Posted on February 12, 2008 by travjohnson On Actscelerate, Missional seems interchangeable for young, hip, loud. NOT SO. Being missional is being like Hudson Taylor of the Inland Chinese Mission. He dressed, ate, and spoke like the Chinese in order to share Jesus in a transformational way. He immersed himself in the Chinese culture for the sake of Christ and the love of China. Our pastors in the ... »

My Interview with Troy Gramling on the Potential Podcast

Posted on September 22, 2008 by travjohnson Back in February, I was on the Potential Podcast (audio here) with Troy Gramling, Raul Palacios, and Heredes Ribeiro of Flamingo Road Church. Troy pastors one of the fastest growing and most innovative churches in America and has a really strong leadership podcast. They have a great team there. In the podcast, we discuss a little about the replant of Lif... »