
Creation: From the Earth Looking Up

We explore the creation narratives of Genesis within their natural ancient Near Eastern context and then ask how that changes the way we read the text.Keep your eye open for this class to start soon.  Israelite Creation in ContextRead this sho... »

Egalitarian Nature of Village Life

Dr. Nakhai is the Associate Professor at the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies. She is an archaeologist and Biblical scholar, She has written extensively about ancient religion and culture, especially the lives of women in ancient Israel and t... »

2024 Prophecy: next UK Prime minister, Trump-election, Brexit & more


Pentecostalism As Mysticism

PNEUMA 40 (2018) 453–455 Pentecostalism as Mysticism The Catholicity of the Tradition Historical, sociological, and theological assessments of Pentecostalism often focus on ways in... »