
Why So Many Evangelical and Pentecostals Were Beguiled by False Prophecies about Trump’s Second Term

William DeArteaga Now that it is certain that vice-President Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th, it is time to reflect on... »

Hurricane Ian and the Upcoming Political Storm :: By Jim Towers

Because I am 10 miles east of the coast, I have barely escaped the devastation of Hurricane Ian. And so am writing even as the hurricane is pummeling Southwest Florida. It is a very serious Category 5 storm with 12 ft. to 18 ft. water surges as the eye... »

Just For Today… :: By Mike Damron

One thing that the Lord has taught me over the years is to live one day at a time. I get easily overwhelmed when I look too far ahead. A while back, I made up a list of things (priorities) to keep me focused on every day. Below is that list. I pray tha... »

Do the Words “Jewish” and “Church” Go Together?

The early church was Jewish. The people present for Pentecost were in Jerusalem for the Jewish festival of Shavuot. Peter used the writings of the Psalms and the Prophets to communicate with the crowds. Our understanding of the Book of Acts tr... »