The Significance Of William H. Durham For Pentecostal Historigraphy
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF WILLIAM H. DURHAM FOR PENTECOSTAL HISTORIGRAPHY by Allen L. Clayton In 1910 the tremendously popular Chicago pastor, William H. Durham was... »
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF WILLIAM H. DURHAM FOR PENTECOSTAL HISTORIGRAPHY by Allen L. Clayton In 1910 the tremendously popular Chicago pastor, William H. Durham was... »
Matthew 13:19 "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path." ESV. My emphasis. What has not be... »
REVIEW ESSAY Pentecostalism David 95 in Argentina Bundy Alejandro Frigerio, (Los Fundamentos Centro Editor de América ed. Ciencias sociales y religión en el Cono... »
I recently stumbled upon a statement of 1 Chronicles 4:18 indicating that Caleb's son Mered married a daughter of Pharaoh named Bethiah, who bore him three sons. Mered’s Egyptian wife bore Jered, the father of Gedor, Heber, the father of ... »