
In Matthew 24:38

In Matthew 24:38 What is the difference between marrying and giving in marriage in this passage. It appears that the passage is talking about two types of marriages. Matt 24:38 - For as in those days before the flood, they were eating and... »

The Uncontrolling Love Of God An Open And Relational Account Of Providence, Written By Thomas Jay Oord

234 book reviews Thomas Jay Oord 2015.The Uncontrolling Love of God: An Open and Relational Account of Providence. Downers Grove,il:ivpAcademic. In his latest book,The... »

Pentecostalism, Cultural Analysis, And The Hermeneutics Of Culture

PNEUMA 37 (2015) 313–316 Pentecostalism, Cultural Analysis, and the Hermeneutics of Culture The cultural linguistic turn in the humanities and social sciences has brought... »

Are The Days of Noah Here? :: By Nathele Graham

“Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” (2 Timothy 2:7). Science was, at one time, a highly respected profession. Today, it seems that the fine line between beneficial science and science fiction has faded. I was appal... »