
593: Deliverance is the Great Commission

Sermon given by Win Worley. »

Is the sign in Isaiah 66:19 the Holy Spirit?

Isaiah 66:19 NASB And I will put a sign among them and send survivors from them to the nations: Tarshish, [k]Put, Lud, [l]Meshech, Tubal, and [m]Javan, to the distant coastlands that have neither heard of My fame nor seen My glory. And th... »

Pentecostalism And The Political — Trajectories In Its Second Century

Pneuma 32 (2010) 333-336 Pentecostalism and the Political — Trajectories in Its Second Century Amos Yong Modern Pentecostalism has long been stereotyped as being... »

Latino Pastor, Wilson, NC

Farmington Heights Church is searching for a full-time Latino Pastor to lead the Spanish-speaking ministry for our church in eastern North Carolina. The ideal candidate will be a gifted leader […] The post Latino Pastor, Wilson, NC appeared first... »