
Thomas J. Norris, The Trinity‐Life Of God, Hope For Humanity Towards A Theology Of Communion (Hyde Park, NJ New City, 2009). 174 Pp., $17.95, Paper.

162 Book Reviews / Pneuma 32 (2010) 123-175 Thomas J. Norris, The Trinity–Life of God, Hope for Humanity: Towards a Theology of Com- munion... »

Third Article Theology A Pneumatological Dogmatics, Edited By Myk Habets

368 book reviews Myk Habets (ed.) Third Article Theology: A Pneumatological Dogmatics(Minneapolis,mn: Fortress Press, 2016). xx + 487. $59.00 paperback. This hefty volume represents... »

Southern Baptist Abortions

How many of these aborted babies were killed by Southern Baptist mothers? How many babies have been aborted in Christian homes? Does the church need to repent of this awful sin by believers? When Churches post these crosses in their lots do they just think only sinners abort (kill) children? How many good Southern Baptist doctors kill babies? How many Baptist nurses assist in abortions? What is th... »

Does God Wink At Ignorance?

At Mars Hill in the city of Athens Paul encountered a religious concept based on an appeal to ignorance. To establish the fact that every god was acknowledged the Greeks set up an altar to an unknown god. This was done perhaps sincerely by men who desperately wanted to acknowledge the correct god. This is a fallacy of irrelevant evidence. The Greeks were basing this religious concept on an appeal ... »