
Heresy ???

If Cyber ink has to dry then my post yesterday wasn’t dried before I turned on the TV and by chance saw Love Worth Finding with Adrian rogers preaching, “All Men Have Some Light!” He stated all men have some light, built in knowledge of God through creation and conscience. As this light is refused it increases darkness. This sermon was posed before the question: Is God righteous ... »

Free Will Ministries

T D Jakes is a Unitarian, a modalist, “One God, but manifest in…three different ways, Father in creation, Son in redemption, Holy Spirit in regeneration.” This is called “Jesus Only” doctrine. He is a charismatic minister emphasizing divine prosperity and health. Charles T. Russell, founder of the Jehovah Witnesses, is a Unitarian. He believes that Jesus as son of God... »

Worship Leader, Screven, GA

Screven Church of God is seeking to hire a part-time Worship Leader. Ability to play keyboard or guitar a plus. We are a small church, with a contemporary style. If […] The post Worship Leader, Screven, GA appeared first on Church Of God. »

Music Pastor, Screven, GA

The Screven Church of God is seeking a Music Pastor. We are a small church with big expectations. We are looking for someone that has a heart of worship. It […] The post Music Pastor, Screven, GA appeared first on Church Of God. »