
Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul?

As far as we know, Peter and Paul died in Rome in the mid 60s. According to most scholars the Book of Acts is dated to 80+, sometimes as late as 120. Given how often the book mentions Peter and especially Paul, you'd expect there to be at ... »

It’s SUPER TUESDAY somewhere: Toward a Pentecostal Reflection to the use of Political Theology among American Evangelicals in the 21st century

It’s SUPER TUESDAY somewhere: Toward a Pentecostal Reflection to the use of Political Theology among American Evangelicals in the 21st century Go! Troy Day... »

In Romans 11:26, how is “all” understood by those who believe Israel refers to physical Israel?

For those who believe “all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26 refers to physical, blood line descendants of Jacob, how do they understand the word “all”? In the abolute sense of every single Israelite that has ever lived, including ev... »

Hymnody And Liturgy In The Azusa Street Revival, 1906 1908

Pneuma 31 (2009) 242-263 Hymnody and Liturgy in the Azusa Street Revival, 1906-1908 Stephen Dove University of Texas at Austin, Department of History 1... »