
The Standing of the Pharisee and the Tax-Collector in the Temple

Abstract: In this parable (Luke 18:9–14) “stand” (ἵστημι, histēmi), in reference first to the Pharisee then the tax-collector, is usually interpreted literally. This bears out in commentaries, yet is also implied in common English translations. Argued... »

Messianic Ideas in the Hebrew Bible

Professor Israel Knohl is the Yehezkel Kaufmann Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University and a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. He recently sat down with Dr. Yeshaya Gruber to talk about his new book Th... »

OK, my book on the Public Prayer Station is off…

OK, my book on the Public Prayer Station is off and running. Am continuing with a new major book, The Fall and Rise of... »

OK, my book on the Public Prayer Station is off…

OK, my book on the Public Prayer Station is off and running. Am continuing with a new major book, The Fall and Rise of... »