
General Assembly Executive Committee Voting

Posted on August 5, 2008 by travjohnson Presiding Bishop – Raymond Culpepper 1st Asst – Tim Hill 2nd Asst. Mark Williams 3rd Asst. David Griffis Secretary General – Wallace Sibley The moment where Wallace Sibley was elected was electric. For the first time in history an African American was elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the Church of God. Filed under: church of god | 7 Comments » »

Youth Pastor, Taylors, SC

Destination Church of God is seeking a youth pastor / couple that would lead the youth of the church. Responsibilities would be Wednesday nights coordinate events, reach out to teens […] The post Youth Pastor, Taylors, SC appeared first on Church... »

Children’s Pastor, Knoxville, TN

Park West Church in Knoxville, TN is seeking to hire a full-time children’s pastor. Overview: We’re seeking a pastor to lead our church’s vision in ministering to children and their […] The post Children’s Pastor, Knoxville, TN appear... »

Jerry Lawson: North American Church Planting Initiative (2010)

And our current questions: 1. What has changed in the past 5 years 2. Are we where we need to be in regard of church planting 3. How has this proposal affected the international strategy of the church globally 4. Last, but not least do we need to revisit or discard this initiative Below is the proposal I sent to the Executive Council for consideration for the General Assembly 2010 Agenda. This was... »