
Church of God Ministers: Take the Marriage Pledge

Many of you know that, in spite of a lot of what turns up on this blog, I am a member of the North Cleveland Church of God and worked for the church’s International Offices in the Lay Ministries Department for 13 1/2 years. So I’m not a stranger to at least some of our ministers. Many of you also know that I have advocated the abolition of civil marriage for a long time, and even longer have looke... »

Church of God Taught About Race

Race is the thing we seem to obsess about these days. That, in part, is because Americans on both sides of the political and religious spectrum have hung their hats on it, either explicitly (on the left) or implicitly (on the right). Looking at the results, the conventional wisdom on the subject has been unhelpful either in righting past wrongs or (more importantly) moving things forward for every... »

Job 1:4-5: Why does Job not discipline his sinning sons instead of bailing them out all the time?

4 And his sons visiting one another prepared a banquet every day, taking with them also their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 And when the days of the banquet were completed, Job sent and purified them, having risen up in the ... »

Church of God Administrative Bishops should be Pastors?

At the 2012 General Assembly of the Church of God I offered a motion relative to the qualifications of Administrative Bishops. That we amend page 100, S21. STATE OVERSEERS, II. Qualifications, by adding the following as paragraph 6: 6. Must have at least 10 years experience as a local church pastor (This motion will not affect those under current appointment). The motion was referred to committee ... »