
Church of God Administrative Bishops should be Pastors?

At the 2012 General Assembly of the Church of God I offered a motion relative to the qualifications of Administrative Bishops. That we amend page 100, S21. STATE OVERSEERS, II. Qualifications, by adding the following as paragraph 6: 6. Must have at least 10 years experience as a local church pastor (This motion will not affect those under current appointment). The motion was referred to committee ... »

Can the Hebrew word בְּהֵמָה refer to both wild and domestic animals at the same time?

In Genesis 6:20 we read that God told Noah to keep three categories of animals Flying creatures Animals Creeping things What confuses me is the word בְּהֵמָה translated as "animals." Lexicon says that it is usually in reference..... »

Son of theos vs son of kyrios

I'm hesitant to speak in absolute terms about this, but perhaps it can be generally agreed upon that in many cases where we see Χριστὸς we tend not to see κυριος as a relational lexicon to describe the godhead. Rather, it virtually always ... »

Kid’s Pastor, East Ridge, TN

Action Church in East Ridge, Tennessee is located .3 miles away from Exit 1 off of I-75. Our church is growing with a current average attendance of 200+ per week. […] The post Kid’s Pastor, East Ridge, TN appeared first on Church Of God. »