
It’s Time :: By Bill Wilson

A friend of mine who is long passed on was very wise. He was once a Democrat but finished his life as a Republican. He achieved much in his lifetime. Some of the things he wrote and said ring true today, just the same as they were back in his time. For... »

Pentecostal Prayer Within The Assemblies Of God An Empirical Study

Pneuma 31 (2009) 47-65 Pentecostal Prayer within the Assemblies of God: An Empirical Study* Margaret M. Poloma The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-1905,... »

The Rise of The Ten Kings :: By The Gospelist

Prophetic scripture informs us that the world will be divided into ten spheres of influence as we approach the end times (Revelation 17:12). These ten realms will be ruled by ten kings who will wield great power over the whole earth. Then, midway throu... »

Exactly when did Paul repent… before or after he was saved?

There is absolutely no question that Paul did repent (i.e., had a change of direction in his heart), as is clearly attested to in scripture. Therefore, the question being raised isn't really an issue of exactly where (or when) this change within him ma... »