
What words existed in Greek to express the concept “eternal”?

I have heard that the Greek word aiōnios is more literally translated "age-long", the adjective form of aiōn meaning "age". Aiōnios is translated as "eternal" in most bibles. I'm thinking specifically of Matthew 25:46. Were there any ot... »

Music Minister, Landrum, S.C.

Hillview Church of God is looking for a born again Holy Ghost filled worshipper to lead us in God exalting praise and worship. If interested call or text Pastor Chad […] The post Music Minister, Landrum, S.C. appeared first on Church Of God. »

Student Pastor, Jesup, Ga.

The Jesup Church of God in Jesup, GA is seeking to fill the position of Student Pastor. Our student ministry is comprised of grades 6-12. The couple filling this role […] The post Student Pastor, Jesup, Ga. appeared first on Church Of God. »

Biblical Audio Commentary: After Rapture Dilemma :: By Gary W. Ritter

If you’re like me, perhaps you’ve thought about your financial situation in light of what happens after the Rapture. Frankly, I’ve never seen anyone else discuss this, but I’ve personally considered it a number of times over the years. If you don’t thi... »