
Youth/Worship Leader, Smyrna, Tenn.

The Refuge Church is looking for someone who can lead a small youth program as well as lead worship on a regular basis. We are looking for someone who is […] The post Youth/Worship Leader, Smyrna, Tenn. appeared first on Church Of God. »

Children’s Pastor, Chattanooga, Tenn.

The Children’s Pastor(s) at Action Church is responsible for the care, safety, fun, and spiritual growth for those newborn thru 5th grade. The responsibility includes training, equipping, scheduling, and developing […] The post Children&#82... »

Why is the prophecy of the end times given to Daniel instructed to be sealed, while the one given to John is not?

But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” (Daniel 12:4 NIV) Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, becaus... »

A Methodist Revival with Signs and Wonders in 1901 Propelled Barney Moore to Become an Early Pentecostal Missionary to Japan

This Week in AG History — January 17, 1931 By Darrin J. RodgersOriginally published on AG-News, 19 January 2023 When Barney S. Moore (1874-1956) converted to Christ in 1901, it was during a revival with signs and wonders in a … Continue reading → »