The African Roots of the Day of Pentecost
A Pentecostal reflection on Thomas C. Oden's claim that the first Pentecost took place in the home of an African Jewish woman. »
A Pentecostal reflection on Thomas C. Oden's claim that the first Pentecost took place in the home of an African Jewish woman. »
A possible example of prophecy referring to past events can be Joel's four waves of locusts, unless Joel lived even before the deportation of Israel, which is not entirely consistent with the rest of his book. There is also the need for re... »
The way is being prepared for the ride of the four horsemen. The first rider’s approach is clearly on display, especially now that we have an entire month dedicated to the celebration of pride.[1] As noted, I believe this rider will arrive to conquer b... »
Pre-Tribulation – Arab-Israeli War 1 Psalm 83 – The Arab-Israeli War Does Psalm 83 predict an imminent war that is about to break out in... »