
My Jesus is Mightier Still

My Jesus is Mightier Still

Read Psalm 93. Sometimes we struggle in how we look at difficult situations in our life. Hear the news a loved one is sick… See a family crumbling… A financial difficulty arises… See someone we love facing addiction… We need a reminder that our God is still mightier than the situation at hand. We need a reason to trust Him in the midst of what we are... »

Before Scandal Breaks

Before Scandal Breaks

Anytime a scandal is about to be revealed, there is one logical thing that has to happen. The house needs to be cleaned. Operation Clean House (OCH) is a thoroughly thought through plan that is designed to be launched at a very strategic time before scandal breaks. Such timing will be after parties have [...] »

Men and Women of Action Break Ground on Two Rebuilds

Cleveland, Tenn.–Church of God Men and Women of Action (MWOA) broke ground on two homes which are being built following the devastating tornadoes that swept through Cleveland, Tennessee last April. On April 27, 2011, nine people were killed in Br... »

Thousands of Intercessors Converging in Hollywood

Thousands of Christians will soon converge on Universal City’s Gibson Amphitheatre in Hollywood for what some are calling “a watershed prayer gathering.” The gathering is known as TheCRY. “In the wake of the recent passing of vo... »