
Your Horoscope doesn’t hold your future; Your Savior does. #ourCOG

Your Horoscope doesn't hold your future; Your Savior does. #ourCOG »

My new evangelism team is really bringing in the none churched. Thanks Smith and Weston, you guys are smok’n. #ourCOG

My new evangelism team is really bringing in the none churched. Thanks Smith and Weston, you guys are smok'n. #ourCOG »

Bulgarian Cookbook with Authentic Bulgarian Recipes Just Published

Bulgarian Cookbook with Authentic Bulgarian Recipes Just Published

For many years, friends and partners have been asking us about Bulgarian cuisine. What does it include? Does it taste good? What are our favorites and so on? It has been our experience that Bulgarian cuisine is very attractive to the Northern American tastes. Actually, we do not have a single friend or partner who [...] »

“@Cog_Swagger: The song "your name" does not have the name of Jesus in it. #justsaying #ourCOG” Get back to the Redback #blessGod

“@Cog_Swagger: The song "your name" does not have the name of Jesus in it. #justsaying #ourCOG” Get back to the Redback #blessGod »