
Prayer of the day…

My God and Father, I thank you for loving us and giving us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace!  I ask that you comfort the hearts of my family, my church family and my friends and all those that call upon your name around the world.  Establish us in every good word and work.  I [...] »

That Summer

That summer was the best.Throwing the baseballIn the backyardWith my dad;Even the buzzingSound of mosquitoesLeaving itchy bitesCouldn’t take away from thoseJoy-filled days.Playing with the neighborhoodKids in the wooded lotBehind my grandmother’s h... »

watching @Benny_Hinn preaching a good one #ourCOG

watching @Benny_Hinn preaching a good one #ourCOG »

Men’s fellowship @westmorecog Lodge property 8:00 pm. Be there to hang out, eat and talk about Men’s ministry in 2012! #ourCOG

Men's fellowship @westmorecog Lodge property 8:00 pm. Be there to hang out, eat and talk about Men's ministry in 2012! #ourCOG »