
Money Can’t Buy

I see herOut of the corner of my eyePushing that shopping cart,That silver prison,Containing everything she calls her own.“Maybe I can help,”I think aloud,“But, hey,” I remind myself,Before I take this thought too far,“Money doesn’t grow on... »

@dasjr @JohnUpChurch @revkevinwalker @ericwilbanks @jasonbrowning23 GOD gave me msg To go to the END of the WORLD you need to COME OUT 1st #ourCOG

@dasjr @JohnUpChurch @BroKEV83 @ericwilbanks @jasonbrowning23 GOD gave me msg To go to the END of the WORLD you need to COME OUT 1st #ourCOG »

Missional in Florida again this year – who is with us? #ourCOG

Missional in Florida again this year - who is with us? #ourCOG »

@dasjr @revkevinwalker WILL PREACH for HOPE {come on…} #ourCOG

@dasjr @BroKEV83 WILL PREACH for HOPE {come on...} #ourCOG »