
I can not tell you how much I miss my pew and piano only worship time. #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG

I can not tell you how much I miss my pew and piano only worship time. #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG »

What!?! No free Turkey dinner after church today! I was going to box that up for Thursday! #Occupycog #ourCOG

What!?! No free Turkey dinner after church today! I was going to box that up for Thursday! #Occupycog #ourCOG »

Christian rap music artist, you will be on after Chris Tomlin #ThingsJesusWontSay #ourCOG

Christian rap music artist, you will be on after Chris Tomlin #ThingsJesusWontSay #ourCOG »

@pknipp2 & I are thankful for another day to pour the Word of Life into the @High5kids1 @westmorecog #GRATITUDE #ourCOG #kidmin #fammin

@pknipp2 & I are thankful for another day to pour the Word of Life into the @High5kids1 @westmorecog #GRATITUDE #ourCOG #kidmin #fammin »