
If #Tebow is defeated by the Patriots on Saturday that will be as moving as Lee Corso’s face. #ourCOG

If #Tebow is defeated by the Patriots on Saturday that will be as moving as Lee Corso's face. #ourCOG »

The "barely" #cog down the mountain have lost the faith. Pray for them. I saw an Awana sign in front. #LONGLIVEBLUEBELLS #ourCOG

The "barely" #cog down the mountain have lost the faith. Pray for them. I saw an Awana sign in front. #LONGLIVEBLUEBELLS #ourCOG »

Thought I might read a book on how to over come things. I found one called "My Struggle," sounds good. Anyone read it? #ourCOG

Thought I might read a book on how to over come things. I found one called "My Struggle," sounds good. Anyone read it? #ourCOG »

Someone Who Cares

“Why are you crying?” I hear her ask,Walking by my deskSlowly,Intently,Pretending to check the homeworkJust so she can say those words to me.“I’m fine, really.”I look away; she walks away;But I think to myself,It’s nice to have someone who ... »