
I said in #ourCOG on Sunday, "Jesus is the only one that ‘sees you when you are sleeping ‘ and more." #Morestairsandgiggles

I said in #ourCOG on Sunday, "Jesus is the only one that 'sees you when you are sleeping ' and more." #Morestairsandgiggles »

Our youth pastor wants a new project for #ourCOG, I told him " just hold up the overheads so everyone can see them. #Morestairsandgiggles

Our youth pastor wants a new project for #ourCOG, I told him " just hold up the overheads so everyone can see them. #Morestairsandgiggles »

@revkevinwalker @dasjr @robalderman Et Lux in Tenebris Lucet #ourCoG

@BroKEV83 @dasjr @robalderman Et Lux in Tenebris Lucet #ourCoG »

RT @Cog_Swagger: One of the youth said to me "play on player." I said "no pray on prayer… homie." #moreStairsandgiggles #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: One of the youth said to me "play on player." I said "no pray on prayer... homie." #moreStairsandgiggles #ourCOG »