
"Just relax… take your suit jacket off and take off that tie for goodness sake" #ThingsJesusWontSay #ourCOG

"Just relax... take your suit jacket off and take off that tie for goodness sake" #ThingsJesusWontSay #ourCOG »


"I've never really loved you."She buries her tear-stained face deeply in her pillow,As he walks out the door.Disappointment gives way to heartache,As her fragile soul begins to shatter.She tries to speak, but there's no voice left.She tries to lov... »



Winter's lot has cast its spell on me.I clear my throat,Trembling at the knees.This darkness,This spiritual hard freezeBlots out my hope,Hardens my soul,Consumes my thoughts,Like a film obsessively replaying in my mind.I seem to hear a victorious drum ... »

My daily advice for those that are suffering…

My daily advice for those that are suffering…

Hello!  I pray you’re having a good day but I bet you’re suffering a bit also…that is if you love somebody.  Let me explain… Right now in my prayer time I am using I Corinthians 13 (The Love Chapter) as one of my prayer guides.  Today I reflected on the fact that love is “long-suffering” [...] »