
Beehive is beautiful #ourCOG #beingCOG

Beehive is beautiful #ourCOG #beingCOG »

Why is it I have got NO pioneers for Christ references… what… no one uses that stuff? That is a shame. #ourCOG #beingCOG

Why is it I have got NO pioneers for Christ references... what... no one uses that stuff? That is a shame. #ourCOG #beingCOG »

Why is it I have got NO pioneers for Christ references… what… no one uses that stuff? That is a shame. #ourCOG

Why is it I have got NO pioneers for Christ references... what... no one uses that stuff? That is a shame. #ourCOG »

RT @ChrisKnipp: You’re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway. –Walt Disney #fammin #kidmin #ourCOG

RT @ChrisKnipp: You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway. –Walt Disney #fammin #kidmin #ourCOG »