
Jason Williams is friends with : randy moss, chris webber, Shaq, and @rfculpepper. Awesome! #ourCOG

Jason Williams is friends with : randy moss, chris webber, Shaq, and @rfculpepper. Awesome! #ourCOG »

@renovatoramanda is there anyone that might say #iamalion, but just has tiger blood? #ourCOG

@renovatoramanda is there anyone that might say #iamalion, but just has tiger blood? #ourCOG »

@renovatoramanda do you think @RFCulpepper wakes up every morning looks in the mirror and says #iamalion? #ourCOG

@renovatoramanda do you think @RFCulpepper wakes up every morning looks in the mirror and says #iamalion? #ourCOG »

Im going to do my minister’s reports tonight, I almost peed in my paints just thinking about it. #ourCOG

Im going to do my minister's reports tonight, I almost peed in my paints just thinking about it. #ourCOG »