@dasjr yes indeed, yes indeed – now why is the URL not working well we will just have to find out #ourCOG
@dasjr yes indeed, yes indeed - now why is the URL not working well we will just have to find out #ourCOG »
@dasjr yes indeed, yes indeed - now why is the URL not working well we will just have to find out #ourCOG »
@rev_jsingletary (home4lunch) I saw the new Disney commercial. I swear, I saw @Julian1987 in about 30% of the it. #ourCoG »
The truth will sit in ease!!! RT @cogmusicman @Cog_Swagger devoted #ourCOG folks have enough natural cushion! »
RT @Cog_Swagger: At the Doctor's office and the chairs here are so cushioned I can not feel the wood underneath. I miss my pews at home. #ourCOG »