
Bought a new book!! #OurCOG http://lockerz.com/s/128677167

Bought a new book!! #OurCOG http://lockerz.com/s/128677167 »

It’s God’s Trombone Now

It’s God’s Trombone Now

This past Sunday was Anniversary Sunday at Mount Paran North. That is the day where we look back and celebrate what God has done this past year. As a part of the day we heard a little bit of Marion’s story. I thought I would share it here. »

pin the tail on the antichrist.

pin the tail on the antichrist.

      At this point I guess its no secret that I am a relentless critic of speculative end-times scenarios which distract the Church from its mission.  A series like End of the World as We Know It where we focus on Revelation is of course a forum where that critique comes into play [...] »

Power of Words

I love words. In school, math was never really my thing. I was more interested in books (or sleeping, but that is a different story). Words captivate us. They can lift the heaviest heart and heal the deepest wound. They can incite romance (like mine do... »