
FGBMFI Meetings in Ruse

FGBMFI Meetings in Ruse

While ministering in Ruse, Bulgaria we received a special invitation to meet with the local chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International. They consist of a group of nearly 50 some Christian businessmen along with their families who have fellowship together sharing common struggles and offering practical advice for applying Biblical principles [...] »

A Blessed Tent Revival: Reviewing the message of the Holy Spirit

Our Old Fashion Tent Revival has concluded. Months of preparation and prayer have paved the way to what can only be described as a blessed experience with the Spirit of God. And although the tent is now down and the activities resumed to normality, wha... »

Alright folks- What are your favorite books on prayer? (specifically, intercessory-type prayer) #OurCOG

Alright folks- What are your favorite books on prayer? (specifically, intercessory-type prayer) #OurCOG »

#ourCOG received a new copy of a NIV … so does that make it a NNIV?

#ourCOG received a new copy of a NIV ... so does that make it a NNIV? »