
Why a lot of Christians don’t love Jewish people as much as they say they do.

With the end of the end of the world series coming this weekend, I will either sadly or mercifully take a break from these issues, depending on how you look at it. One of my repeated critiques of popular end-times scenarios has been the passive acceptance that we can only expect horror in the Middle [...] »

#OurCOG "The Spirit does not come merely to speak, but the speaking is His announcement that He has come to (cont) http://tl.gd/cb6ccv

#OurCOG "The Spirit does not come merely to speak, but the speaking is His announcement that He has come to (cont) http://tl.gd/cb6ccv »

Bought a new book!! #OurCOG http://lockerz.com/s/128677167

Bought a new book!! #OurCOG http://lockerz.com/s/128677167 »

It’s God’s Trombone Now

It’s God’s Trombone Now

This past Sunday was Anniversary Sunday at Mount Paran North. That is the day where we look back and celebrate what God has done this past year. As a part of the day we heard a little bit of Marion’s story. I thought I would share it here. »