
Living on Sabbath Time: Day 28/31

Living on Sabbath Time: Day 28/31

Numbers 16:15 “Then Moses was very angry, and said to the LORD…”       I recently heard of a rather irresponsible husband who was impressed by the fact that despite his sorry ways his wife never seemed to get mad at him. Thinking about this on one of his extremely irresponsible days, he asked his wife [...] »

AMEN!!! RT @bibliata we need to get back, to the basics of life, a heart that is pure, and a love that is blind #ourCOG #bibliata

AMEN!!! RT @bibliata we need to get back, to the basics of life, a heart that is pure, and a love that is blind #ourCOG #bibliata »

@pastorjonlowery at @CCCofGod How do Christians look? #OurCOG http://lockerz.com/s/124236615

@pastorjonlowery at @CCCofGod How do Christians look? #OurCOG http://lockerz.com/s/124236615 »

#thingswelearnedontwitter that some #OurCOG people tweet more than others… You know what i’m talking about Mr. @bibliata…

#thingswelearnedontwitter that some #OurCOG people tweet more than others... You know what i'm talking about Mr. @bibliata... »