Im Forgetting Sarah Marshall and thinking of our loving papa; #ourCOG GO Raymond "Daddy" Culpepper
Im Forgetting Sarah Marshall and thinking of our loving papa; #ourCOG GO Raymond "Daddy" Culpepper »
Im Forgetting Sarah Marshall and thinking of our loving papa; #ourCOG GO Raymond "Daddy" Culpepper »
@Cog_Swagger Don't #calvinist #baptists have more influence in #ourCOG than the AG guys now? »
#wewontlastif we keep letting these AG guys influence our Glorious #ourCOG »
I recently watched the excellent documentary Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop. It’s about the 6 months after the former host of the Tonight Show parted ways with NBC and was prohibited from appearing on television, during which he went on a 44-city comedy tour. O’Brien is a likable figure through the piece, but driven (hence the [...] »