
Cleveland TN is #GreenCity because no grass dies, as long as it is a faithful tither to an #ourCOG Church

Cleveland TN is #GreenCity because no grass dies, as long as it is a faithful tither to an #ourCOG Church »

#waystoirritateme not be a member of #ourCOG

#waystoirritateme not be a member of #ourCOG »

#ourCOG got married to a women. I married to take her last name so I can be something in this denomination. Hello I am QW Johnson-Buckalew

#ourCOG got married to a women. I married to take her last name so I can be something in this denomination. Hello I am QW Johnson-Buckalew »

RT @Cog_Swagger: #ourCOG JK Rowling, Mary Shelley, and Stephenie Meyer : three reasons to end women literacy

RT @Cog_Swagger: #ourCOG JK Rowling, Mary Shelley, and Stephenie Meyer : three reasons to end women literacy »