#ourCOG friends we need to band together to pray for former GO Lee, I hear he is not doing well.
#ourCOG friends we need to band together to pray for former GO Lee, I hear he is not doing well. »
#ourCOG friends we need to band together to pray for former GO Lee, I hear he is not doing well. »
The Weight of Fatherhood http://goo.gl/fb/8YmBC #ourCOG »
This post is 2 days late. It should have been posted over the weekend to take full advantage of actual Father’s Day, but what can I say, we’re getting ready to have another baby and make me a father again, so it’s Tuesday, and I’m posting about Father’s day…Get over it! My kids are [...] »
is it a sin to take off 2 days a week? http://goo.gl/fb/D1wl5 #ourCOG http://goo.gl… http://goo.gl/fb/wORXP #ourCOG »