
Staff Prayer Meeting was great! What a wonderful way to start such a busy day working for God! #aylacog #ourCOG

Staff Prayer Meeting was great! What a wonderful way to start such a busy day working for God! #aylacog #ourCOG »

Jewish Weekly Readings – Parashiyot

Each week in synagogue a passage from the Torah is read (or, more accurately, chanted, because it is sung). This passage is referred to as a parashah. The first parashah, for example, is Parashat Bereishit, which covers from the beginning of Genesis t... »

Evangelical Christians in Bulgaria http://goo.gl/KrnvC #ourCOG

Evangelical Christians in Bulgaria http://goo.gl/KrnvC #ourCOG »

Why the Heat choked against the Mavericks (a theological reflection) http://goo.gl/fb/CTYyC #ourCOG

Why the Heat choked against the Mavericks (a theological reflection) http://goo.gl/fb/CTYyC #ourCOG »