
Religion, State and Society 2011 http://goo.gl/fb/ApteO #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/GIWjO #ourCOG

Religion, State and Society 2011 http://goo.gl/fb/ApteO #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/GIWjO #ourCOG »

a few glimpses into what I most adore.

a few glimpses into what I most adore.

Pranee Loffer, in addition to being one of my favorite Renovators, happens to be a miracle worker. Her photography is devastatingly good (better than real life), and if you haven’t checked out her work at Beauty for Ashes you should go to her blog here. Furthermore, you really need to hire her to shoot an [...] »

Religion, State and Society 2011 | http://goo.gl/CYAlb #ourCOG

Religion, State and Society 2011 | http://goo.gl/CYAlb #ourCOG »

mr. big stuff http://goo.gl/fb/HC8HO #ourCOG

mr. big stuff http://goo.gl/fb/HC8HO #ourCOG »