
Religion, State and Society 2011 http://goo.gl/fb/ApteO #ourCOG

Religion, State and Society 2011 http://goo.gl/fb/ApteO #ourCOG »

Religion, State and Society 2011

Religion, State and Society 2011

Religion, State and Society 2011 Editorial Changing Chaplaincy: a Contribution to Debate over the Roles of US and British Military Chaplains in Afghanistan Catholic Chaplains to the British Forces in the First World War Canadian Military Chaplains: Bridging the Gap Between Alienation and Operational Effectiveness in a Pluralistic and Multicultural Context The Changing Role of Protestant Military C... »

Putting a Leash on Our Nerves and Making Our Knees Strong: How to Overcome the Fear… http://goo.gl/fb/5q4Fo #ourCOG

Putting a Leash on Our Nerves and Making Our Knees Strong: How to Overcome the Fear… http://goo.gl/fb/5q4Fo #ourCOG »

Putting a Leash on Our Nerves and Making Our Knees Strong: How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Putting a Leash on Our Nerves and Making Our Knees Strong: How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

If you are reading this article I don’t even need to tell you the statistics related to public speaking. You already know that it is the number one fear even above the fear of dying. Why is this? Why can we overcome jumping out of plains or driving 100 mph but [...] »