
Reconsidering “Selah”

Ashley E. Lyon holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew Poetry from the University of Birmingham in England. In addition to serving as Professor of Hebrew Bible with the Israel Bible Center, she also serves as Professor of Hebrew at the Israel Institute of Bib... »

Weapons of Our Warfare: The Authority of the Believer

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching on the weapons of the believer’s warfare. This is the thirteenth in a series of teachings from... »

Weapons of Our Warfare: Binding & Loosing

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching on the weapons of the believer’s warfare. This is the tenth in a series of teachings from... »

Fleeing to a Safe City | Perry Stone

Few tourists see this view in Israel! Perry will tell how God moves people before judgment on a city, to a new location! #perrystone... »