
Great service here in Ypsilanti, Michigan at the Victorious Life COG. On the road to Mansfield Ohio!! Service tonight at 7pm #OurCOG

Great service here in Ypsilanti, Michigan at the Victorious Life COG. On the road to Mansfield Ohio!! Service tonight at 7pm #OurCOG »

Back to the Basics Part 1 http://goo.gl/fb/YD9GC #ourCOG

Back to the Basics Part 1 http://goo.gl/fb/YD9GC #ourCOG »

En route to the Victorious Life Church of God in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Service at 11am. If you’re in the area, come join us!! #OurCOG

En route to the Victorious Life Church of God in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Service at 11am. If you're in the area, come join us!! #OurCOG »

8 hrs and 57 min we start round one of leading Kid’s into the presence of God… http://goo.gl/fb/FathZ #ourCOG

8 hrs and 57 min we start round one of leading Kid’s into the presence of God… http://goo.gl/fb/FathZ #ourCOG »