
final touches on my #SPS speech and then off to the PowerPoint presentation #ourCOG

final touches on my #SPS speech and then off to the PowerPoint presentation #ourCOG »

Harvey Cox on Fundamentalism >> Why fundamentalism will fail – The Boston Globe http://goo.gl/smJwt #ourCOG

Harvey Cox on Fundamentalism >> Why fundamentalism will fail - The Boston Globe http://goo.gl/smJwt #ourCOG »

Harvey Cox on Fundamentali >> Why fundamentalism will fail – The Boston Globe http://goo.gl/smJwt #ourCOG

Harvey Cox on Fundamentali >> Why fundamentalism will fail - The Boston Globe http://goo.gl/smJwt #ourCOG »

We should take a "multiply the kingdom" mindset. Which is better? Discipling, and sending out; or, sitting in a pew? #OurCOG

We should take a "multiply the kingdom" mindset. Which is better? Discipling, and sending out; or, sitting in a pew? #OurCOG »