
U.S churches in decline w/ exception of Pentecostals: http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2011-02-16-church_growth_15_ST_N.htm #ourCOG

U.S churches in decline w/ exception of Pentecostals: http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2011-02-16-church_growth_15_ST_N.htm #ourCOG »

“Successful businesses learn to avoid losing customers by finding out why customers stop buying.” Willard A. Pleuthner #ourCOG

“Successful businesses learn to avoid losing customers by finding out why customers stop buying.” Willard A. Pleuthner #ourCOG »

“I Want to Marry a Virgin” http://goo.gl/fb/9W1Fb #ourCOG

“I Want to Marry a Virgin” http://goo.gl/fb/9W1Fb #ourCOG »

“I Want to Marry a Virgin”

Today I read a blog post from a Christian teacher that said these words, “I would hate to be looking for a wife today, because I wanted to marry a virgin and I did.” First, let me say I understand the spiritual, psychological and moral value of vir... »