
Ministry of Church and Pastor with Drs. Paul L. and Mark Walker. #OurCOG

Ministry of Church and Pastor with Drs. Paul L. and Mark Walker. #OurCOG »

Pray, church. RT @cnnbrk: American missionary shot, killed trying to flee gunmen in… http://goo.gl/fb/2J8gW #ourCOG

Pray, church. RT @cnnbrk: American missionary shot, killed trying to flee gunmen in… http://goo.gl/fb/2J8gW #ourCOG »

Student Pastors: Speak to your students tonight w/boldness. Don’t apologize for… http://goo.gl/fb/QC9o3 #ourCOG

Student Pastors: Speak to your students tonight w/boldness. Don’t apologize for… http://goo.gl/fb/QC9o3 #ourCOG »

Pray, church. RT @cnnbrk: American missionary shot, killed trying to flee gunmen in Mexico, police say http://on.cnn.com/f96n01 #ourCOG

Pray, church. RT @cnnbrk: American missionary shot, killed trying to flee gunmen in Mexico, police say http://on.cnn.com/f96n01 #ourCOG »