
Carol Johnson: LMR from Griffin Center Point Church of God http://goo.gl/fb/YSpA0… http://goo.gl/fb/Rd2f0 #ourCOG

Carol Johnson: LMR from Griffin Center Point Church of God http://goo.gl/fb/YSpA0… http://goo.gl/fb/Rd2f0 #ourCOG »

Mistake Obsession

We’re a country obsessed with mistakes. Flubbed song lyrics find prime real estate on news websites and blogs; political speech slip-ups become Twitter fodder for years. If a public personality makes a snafu, a camera probably recorded every syllable. Given my propensity to bungle a line or two in personal conversation (foot-in-mouth genes run deep [...] »

Carol Johnson: LMR from Griffin Center Point Church of God http://goo.gl/fb/YSpA0 #ourCOG

Carol Johnson: LMR from Griffin Center Point Church of God http://goo.gl/fb/YSpA0 #ourCOG »

Do we REALLY need someone from outside our denomination to teach us prayer fasting… http://goo.gl/fb/ct6TK #ourCOG

Do we REALLY need someone from outside our denomination to teach us prayer fasting… http://goo.gl/fb/ct6TK #ourCOG »