
Day 7/40

Day 7/40

“Tie discipline to commitment, and it becomes an irreversible decision that you will do today what most people won’t so you can have tomorrow what most people can’t.” _Zig Ziglar, You Can Reach the Top   This quotation explains a basic principle of life: What makes us human is our ability to resist the urges of [...] »

the revival is extended till WED #ourCOG

the revival is extended till WED #ourCOG »

Starting this behemoth tonight. #OurCOG http://plixi.com/p/72308486

Starting this behemoth tonight. #OurCOG http://plixi.com/p/72308486 »

Stat – According to a recent posting at Actscelerate, only 6% of #ourCOG members have spoken in tongues. Thoughts?

Stat - According to a recent posting at Actscelerate, only 6% of #ourCOG members have spoken in tongues. Thoughts? »