
How we replanted and refocused to be more on-mission (part 3)

Posted on January 9, 2008 by travjohnson As we took on the task of re-imagining church in Homestead, FL, we looked around: — at how other churches were positioning themselves, — to see who was being ignored, — at demographic trends, — at emerging population centers in our community, and — at who we were. Heres what we found: THE POSITIONS OF OTHER CHURCHES IN OUR COMM... »

Leadership Maxims and Praxims – Law of the Lid

Posted on May 8, 2008 by travjohnson There is some heavy/intersting denominational dialogue on missionalcog.com right now. I dont want to interupt it by adding an unnecessary topic. But, I would like to add to it by discussing some leadership maxims and their practice (praxims…my new word). Leaders are excellent in sounding like we know what were talking about when it comes to leadership. Too ofte... »

Using the Net for the Mission of Christ

Posted on March 13, 2008 by winfieldb It is obvious that the internet is one of the great examples of change that the church must embrace if it going to be relevant in the 21st century. After reading the most recent posts, I was interested to check the stats of how many views/visitors that we have had to our churchs website and I was amazed. Without even marketing ourchurchs website, we have had o... »

Ed Stetzer on Missionality and Contextualization in America

Posted on February 6, 2008 by travjohnson Filed under: missional church | Leave a comment » »